University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” Bucharest

Medical and pharmaceutical higher education in Bucharest dates back more than a century. Carol Davila, a Romanian physician of French origin, in collaboration with Nicolae Kretzulescu set up medical education in our country by founding the National School of Medicine and Pharmacy in 1857. Through his activity a series of scientific societies were founded in our country: “The Medical Society” (1857), “The Red Cross Society” (1876), “The Natural Sciences Society” (1876), as well as two medical journals, “The Medical Register” (1862) and “The Medical Gazette” (1865). During the Independence War (1877-1878), Carol Davila was the head of the medical service of the army.

Located on Bulevardul Eroii Sanitari 8, close to Eroilor subway station and in the exquisite neighborhood of Cotroceni.