Romanian 101 - Romanian language lessons - part 3

Stay Safe, Stay Healthy: A Health Guide for Erasmus students in Bucharest


As an Erasmus student, being sick is the last thing you want to experience. But let’s face it: new places, new germs, and, sometimes, new food can lead to unexpected health issues. So, here’s everything you need to know in order to navigate the Romanian healthcare system - sistem medical - and get back on your feet as soon as possible!

Romania has both public hospitals - spitale publice - and private clinics - clinici private. Public hospitals offer free basic services for EU students with the European Health Insurance Card, although they can be crowded. For quicker service, private clinics are a good option, with generally shorter wait times and English-speaking staff, but they charge fees.

If you need minor help, head to a pharmacy – farmacie, which is easy to find around the city. If you’re fighting a cold, ask: Aveți ceva pentru răceală? (Do you have something for a cold?) and if you’re experiencing stomach pain, let them know with: Am o durere de stomac. For other inconveniences, these phrases will be useful for you:

* Mă doare gâtul (My throat hurts)

* Am febră (I have fever)

* Am o alergie (I have an allergy)

* Am nasul înfundat (I have a stuffy nose)

* Am tuse (I have a cough)

* Mă doare spatele (I have back pain)

* Am o durere de dinți (I have a toothache)

* Nu pot să respir bine (I can’t breathe well)

* Am o arsură (I have a burn)

* Am tensiune mare (I have high blood pressure)

In case of an emergency, dial 112 and say Am nevoie de ajutor medical (I need medical help), or Am o urgență (I have an emergency).

Wishing you good health, because staying healthy means more time for adventures!


Author: Alexandra Lupsan